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As the weather warms up, workers face an increased risk of developing heat stress. The NSW Resources Regulator has developed a video

Stay heat safe on mine sites


The NSW Resources Regulator has issues a final report following the injury of 2 workers at Centennial Mandalong Mine. The incident occurred

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The NSW Resources Regulator has issued a safety bulletin on frictional ignition hazards within underground coal mines, which can result in

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The NSW Resources Regulator has completed a comprehensive compliance campaign in response to incidents and feedback from industry to ensure

Image of a Resources Regulator Compliance Priorities report laying on a white background.


The Resources Regulator has published a compliance priority report looking into the air quality of 16 metalliferous underground mines

face masks


The Opal Miners' Safety Awareness Course is now an online format. The online course is free and flexible, allowing participants to complete

Close up photograph of an opal surrounded by dirt found at Lightning Ridge.


The Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022, which came into effect last year, has marked a significant milestone

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The Opal Miners' Safety Awareness Course will become an online format from Monday, 13 November 2023. The online course will be free and is

A photo of an opal with pink, blue, orange and green colouring sitting on top of an out of focus pile of green opals


Emergency response capabilities have been put to the test during a mine collapse large-scale emergency exercise at the Wambo Underground

emergency training at Wombo colliery


Consultation on the NSW Resources Regulator’s Vehicle Interaction Controls in NSW Mines Discussion Paper is now closed. Thank you to those

mobile plant


WHS Reports for 2022-23 were due on 31 July 2023 and are now overdue. Complete your submission ASAP. The annual work health and safety

Line drawing of a bell on a purple background.


The NSW Resources Regulator has released its Vehicle Interaction Discussion Paper and invites stakeholder views on the proposed

mobile plant