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Explosion-protected electrical plant

Changes have been introduced for any explosion-protected plant covered by an MDA.

Explosion-protected electrical plant covered by an MDA

The introduction of the Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022 (the Regulations) included changes for explosion-protected electrical plant.

Under section 81 of the Regulations, the operator of an underground coal mine must ensure that any plant used in a hazardous zone is explosion-protected and, if the plant is electrical plant, has an explosion-protection level suitable for that use.

In addition to identification of the explosion protection levels, section 81 also requires that the plant has a valid certificate of conformity or is specified in the Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus Approvals List - 2024 (see link below). This list identifies plant that had previously been covered by the Mines Department Approvals (MDAs).

Mine operators and owners/operators of hire equipment should be aware that explosion-protected electrical equipment covered only by an MDA will not be permitted to be used in a hazardous zone in an underground coal mine after 1 September 2028. In addition, any plant that continues to be used in a hazardous zone and is only covered by an MDA must also have been manufacture before 1 October 2015, as per the previous Regulations.

There are also other provisions in section 81 that equipment covered by an MDA will need to meet to be permitted to be used in a hazardous zone. Mine operators must ensure that all electrical plant used in a hazardous zone meets all relevant requirements of this section.

Update to Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus Approvals list – Feb 2024

The Department conducted surveys with industry to identify what equipment listed in the Department Approved Plant list was being used. Following on from these surveys, the list of approved explosion-protected (Ex) electrical plant has been revised. There are 669 items of plant identified as still being used in hazardous zones at underground coal mines.

Any Ex electrical plant identified in the surveys as being in service in a hazardous zone at an underground coal mine has been retained on the revised list except where the items do not require certification in accordance with section 81 of the Regulations, the MDA approval had previously been revoked, or the plant requires registration under other legislative requirements. This included items such as Fluid Film corrosion inhibiting compound, cable hose, gas detectors and shotfiring apparatus.

This current list was updated on 9 February 2024.

The list of the approved explosion-protected electrical plant above is to be used as the Department Approved Plant list nominated in section 81 of the Regulations. It would be appropriate for mine operators to have a review of the Department Approved Plant list against current plant assets at your mine and notify the Central Assessment Unit (CAU) ( of concerns and/or deficiencies in the list.

Cessation date for MDA approved explosion-protected electrical apparatus

The cessation date for MDA plant was set at 6 years from the date of publication of the Regulations to provide a transitional period that would enable mine operators, and owners/operators of hire equipment to update plant to certified explosion-protected plant during the next overhaul period for the equipment. This period is consistent with the frequencies for overhaul of Ex electrical plant as detailed in AS 2290.1:2021 Electrical equipment for coal mines - Introduction, inspection and maintenance  Part 1: Hazardous areas.