The Resources Regulator is taking steps to address psychosocial hazards and sexual harassment within the NSW mining industry. This forms part of the Regulator’s ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all workers in the sector.
A new landing page has been set up on the Regulator's website, making it easier for people to understand risks, seek advice, find out how to report, and access guidance materials relating to psychosocial hazards.
Psychosocial hazards extend beyond bullying and harassment and may include sexual assault, physical assault or psychological abuse. Whether a single event or repeated occurrence, psychosocial hazards are defined as any threatening, violent, forced, coercive, or exploitative behaviour or act where the victim has not consented or was unable to give consent.
Mine operators and workers are reminded that psychosocial or physical harassment and sexual assault represents an extreme form of unacceptable workplace behaviour.
The new landing page allows visitors to access a range of safety issues and report incidents.