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Preventing underground ignition events at NSW mine sites

The Resources Regulator in NSW is proactively assessing underground longwall mine sites across the state, ensuring the appropriate controls are in place to prevent an underground ignition event and for appropriate responses if an ignition should occur.

Across the next four weeks, teams of inspectors will be visiting mine sites to ensure operators have a range of preventative measures in place. This includes utilising appropriate gas management controls, control of ignition sources, safe systems of work regarding ventilation design and control measures, emergency sealing arrangements and post incident monitoring. 

This proactive campaign has been designed in response to a “gas ignition event” which occurred at Queensland’s Grosvenor mine. 
Inspectors will assess the effective implementation, integrity, and effectiveness of a number proactive (P) and reactive (R) measures at each targeted mine site: 

  • ventilation (P) 
  • gas drainage (P)
  • gas monitoring (P) 
  • ignition sources (P) (polymerics, frictional ignition, spontaneous combustion)
  • mine sealing (R) 

The four-week compliance campaign is due to conclude by mid-August. 

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