Recent activities
Recent MinEx CRC activities in NSW include the following:
Geophysical surveys:
- An airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown in the Forbes-Dubbo MinEx focus area from May to June 2023.
- A deep crustal reflection seismic survey (Cobar-Yathong Seismic Survey) was completed across the Cobar MinEx focus area from April to June 2023.
- An airborne magnetic and radiometric (AMR) survey was flown over the Cobar and Nyngan region in 2021. The data is available for download through MinView.
- An airborne electromagnetic survey was flown over the Mundi MinEx focus area in April 2021. The data is available for download through MinView.
- An interpretive report and data package for the Cobar Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey is available here. The AEM data can be downloaded here.
New reports and datasets:
- Basin provenance and its control on mineralisation (Cobar Basin)
- Updated mineral potential mapping of the Cobar Basin
- U-Pb (zircon) geochronology (MinEx focus areas in NSW)
- Ar/Ar (micas, feldspar) geochronology (western NSW & eastern SA)
- Palynology and biostratigraphy (western NSW)
- Forbes hydrogeochemistry survey report (Forbes-Dubbo focus area)
- Ultrafine+ soil geochemistry report (Cobar Basin)
- 3D geological dataset reports of the North Cobar and South Cobar areas (data here)
- 15 water samples for hydrogeochemical analysis were collected (with CSIRO) from the Mundi MinEx focus area. Each sample was tested for ~60 analytes, with selected samples analysed by a range of isotopic and geochronological techniques. The analytical results were forwarded to landholders in November 2022 and are available on MinView.
- New whole rock geochemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology data was generated on various rock samples in the MinEx focus areas in NSW. The results are available on MinView.
- Geological mapping was conducted in the Cobar focus area in 2022 and 2023. Updates are available in the latest release of the NSW Seamless Geology dataset.